If you are – BREATHE and keep breathing.
As from today there are 18 days until THAT (Christmas) day is here! “Whoopee” you might say and others may say “I’ve still got sooooo much to do and I can’t do it in the time.”
I hope you’re still breathing…..
It’s time to take stock of where you are and what you need to do.
Take a huge brain dump either on the computer or write it down on paper (whatever takes your fancy). Get all the stuff out that’s clogging your brain up, out into the open, into the cold, hard light of day so you can really see what you’re up against. Come on, it’s not that bad – if it is, you’re allowed one more freak out before you get back to work.
Okay, remember to breathe ….. and back to work.
Organise your brain dump into manageable section e.g. food, presents, decorations and so on. Could be a good idea for you to work backwards from the big ‘C’ day and prioritise your stuff.
One thing I’ve found really successful is to have a family get together (usually about now), we get a few cookery books out and plan the meals we want to eat over the Christmas period and write a menu out. The recipes are looked at and inspected and the shopping list is born. I have the normal foods I shop for along with the new recipe items. At least this way I don’t forget anything. I also know early enough if anyone wants meat on the day and whilst its still fresh in my mind I can order it at the local butchers! I also make a note on the calendar and in my phone when to collect it from the butchers. I go for the ‘belts and braces’ approach because ultimately it saves a lot of hassle.
It’s quite useful to start non-perishable food shopping now. At least you can split the load, financially and weight wise. If you are really strapped for time, shop online and get the majority of non-perishables delivered straight to your door at a time convenient to you.
Make a list of the presents you’ve already got and the ones still to get. If you haven’t got any yet, it’s now time to start that list. If you’re stuck, take an hour to flick through appropriate magazines or online stores for ideas. If your children are older perhaps they can help in this area?
Check the Christmas cards and wrapping paper situation. Do you have enough? Check sellotape too. You can never have enough of this. Of course check your battery store – you always need AA batteries! Make a mental, electronic or written note to buy cards, christmas crackers and paper when the sales are on. You’ll be super organised for next year won’t you?
If your children are young show them how to decorate the tree and let them help. Now I can let my kids loose on the tree and I know it’s going to be dressed well. Job done.
Again, remember to breathe. Your jobs will get done. I know you’d like them done sooner rather than last minute. Start the process now. Start the brain dump and get organised.
What’s your best tip for getting sorted without stress in the lead up to Christmas? Let me know your thoughts.
Have fun.
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